A very long time ago, in the first few centuries A.D., the christian church was unstable as a sack full of cats as it tried to iron out a lot of different theological matters, foremost among them being the relationship between the holy trinity. And by "tried to iron out" I mean "resorted to violence". At the urging of local bishops and other religious authorities, bands of monks would roam around cities like Alexandira looking for other bands of monks and beat them to a pulp, usually because they (the beaters or the beatees, doesn't really matter) belived that the son in the trinity was a step below the father. Eventually, after aseveral more centuries of nationwide excommunications and heretic burnings, things died down, to the point today when, generally, the majority of christians tend to get along.
Except, of course, in the South, where things never seem to change at all....
Except, of course, in the South, where things never seem to change at all....