I'm back, baby.
Actucally, I never technically "left": I've always been around, but I found out that my usual posting time (midnight or so) has been taken over by sleepie-time. Every kid on earth, in their cartoon-watching days, swears that they will never have a problem getting up early and cannot imagine why anyone would want to lay around in bed. Of course, I was one of those kids but have since become an anti-morning person, just like all the others. In attempt to alleviate the agonizing pain that accopanies getting up before dawn, I've been trying to get to bed earlier. One would think that I could shift posting to another time slot, but it just hasn't worked that way.
In other news:
* Since my last post about McDonald's commericals, I have noticed that this universe of pain is expanding at an ever-increasing rate. New "I'm lovin' it" songs are popping up everywhere, on radio as well as TV. Building a database may be in order. My conspiricy theorist side is now predicting that McDonald's is planning on taking out a single thirty-second commerical in the superbowl, in which they will threaten to continue their saturation of the media with this ad campaign unless every single man, woman, and child buys two value meals per day. Of course, compliance would be our only option.
*How 'bout them Bucks? The team picked to finish last in the East (a.k.a. the NB-AAA conference) would be hosting a playoff series if the season ended today. Joe Smith is my hero. Almost as compelling a story as the no-name Jazz in the west. Or the Lakers newfound suckiness.
* My sister has left for Rome to study there for a semester. Odd considering I was the one with the Ancient Studies major. Nevertheless, I wish her luck. Hopefully I will be visiting her in a few months, in what will be my first foreign trip (Canada doesn't count).
Actucally, I never technically "left": I've always been around, but I found out that my usual posting time (midnight or so) has been taken over by sleepie-time. Every kid on earth, in their cartoon-watching days, swears that they will never have a problem getting up early and cannot imagine why anyone would want to lay around in bed. Of course, I was one of those kids but have since become an anti-morning person, just like all the others. In attempt to alleviate the agonizing pain that accopanies getting up before dawn, I've been trying to get to bed earlier. One would think that I could shift posting to another time slot, but it just hasn't worked that way.
In other news:
* Since my last post about McDonald's commericals, I have noticed that this universe of pain is expanding at an ever-increasing rate. New "I'm lovin' it" songs are popping up everywhere, on radio as well as TV. Building a database may be in order. My conspiricy theorist side is now predicting that McDonald's is planning on taking out a single thirty-second commerical in the superbowl, in which they will threaten to continue their saturation of the media with this ad campaign unless every single man, woman, and child buys two value meals per day. Of course, compliance would be our only option.
*How 'bout them Bucks? The team picked to finish last in the East (a.k.a. the NB-AAA conference) would be hosting a playoff series if the season ended today. Joe Smith is my hero. Almost as compelling a story as the no-name Jazz in the west. Or the Lakers newfound suckiness.
* My sister has left for Rome to study there for a semester. Odd considering I was the one with the Ancient Studies major. Nevertheless, I wish her luck. Hopefully I will be visiting her in a few months, in what will be my first foreign trip (Canada doesn't count).